The Last Defenders (6)Full unit name: The Last Defenders
Last updated: 11.06.2024 0:30:42
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Relations: Tython
Events: Flesh Raider Uprising
Flesh Raider Uprising
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
Known Facts (4)
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Master Till'in
    Here, examine this droid's cognitive unit I recovered from the ruins. Twenty-thousand years old, yet still functional. Our forebears built things to last.
    Jedi Duo
    What happened to the rest of the droid's parts?
    Master Till'in
    A shame the cognitive unit's owner had to be destroyed. It was a magnificent machine, but quite hostile. I was forced to dismantle it with my lightsaber.
    The ruins of Lower Kaleth are filled with droids constructed during Tython's original colonization by the galaxy's first Force users. We don't know the Tythonian droids' purpose - only that they attack anyone who enters the ruins. My mission is to learn why.
    Jedi Duo
    What kind of damage can these droids do to people?
    Master Till'in
    We've had several serious injuries. Left unchecked, the droids are going to kill someone. We can't let it come to that. It's been millennia since the Tythonian droids were memory-wiped. Their programming lies buried amid trillions of accumulated databits.
    I've constructed a scanner to analyze the droids' cognitive units for command protocols, but I need several samplings to sort through the static.
    Jedi Duo
    We'll get those samplings for you in no time, Master Till'in.
    Master Till'in
    Good. This will greatly accelerate my efforts to solve this mystery and make the ruins safe. Your Masters have great confidence in your abilities, as do I. This task won't be simple, but I know you'll succeed.
  • Hero of Tython, Barsen'thor, Till'in
  • Tython Jedi Duo destroyed a number of Tythonian War Droid
  • Tython Jedi Duo destroyed a number of Tythonian Vindicator
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Master Till'in
    My scanner's memory is already full? Perfect timing. I'll collate your data with my own readings and analyze them together. Hmm... it seems the droids were indeed built for war. Twenty thousand years later, they still pursue their primary function. How sad. These ancient droids were soldiers in Tython's great Force Wars - a time before there were Jedi, Sith or even a Republic.
    Jedi Duo
    We have never heard of these "Force Wars."
    Master Till'in
    It was the first conflict between Force users - a horrific battle between light and darkness that lasted for a hundred years. According to the droid logs, Kaleth was a stronghold of the dark side's forces. They made their last stand here. As they died, the dark siders activated the droids as a doomsday weapon - hoping to ensure the light side's destruction as well.
    Jedi Duo
    For doomsday droids, they sure fall apart easy.
    Master Till'in
    I doubt either of us will hold up nearly as well after twenty thousand years. These machines were quite menacing for their epoch.
    Jedi Duo
    Clearly, the light side survived these doomsday weapons.
    Master Till'in
    Indeed - and went on to found our Jedi Order. To think what might have been, if the dark siders' plans had succeeded....
    The Council must deliberate and decide what should be done about the droids. It isn't up to us. By your efforts, we see Kaleth in a fresh light. I will commend you to the Council. Continue with your tasks. Make your Masters proud.
    Give Masters Orgus and Yuon my best wishes.
  • Hero of Tython, Barsen'thor, Till'in
"These ancient droids were soldiers in Tython's great Force Wars - a time before there were Jedi, Sith or even a Republic."
- Master Till'in after he completed the analysis of the cognitive units of the Tythonian droids

This event took place on the planet Tython
during the Flesh Raider uprising
Flesh Raider Uprising
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
shortly before the end of the Cold War
The Cold War
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
When the Padawans
Tython Jedi Duo
Temporary Unions
Hero Worship
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
a holorecording from Padawan
Jedi Padawan
Minor Characters (TOR)
to Jedi Master
Jedi Master
(Kel Dor)
Minor Characters (TOR)
at the forward camp between the ruins of Kaleth and the Tythos River Valley, he had been occupied examining the ancient droids that roamed the area. Master Till'in explained the the droids had become increasingly hostile towards intruders and he wanted to understand the reason. The droids were constructed during Tython's original colonization by the galaxy's first Force users and it had been millennia since they were memory-wiped. Till'in constructed a scanner to analyze the droids' cognitive units for command protocols, but needed several samplings to sort through the static.
He had asked the Padawans to brave the hostile droids at the ruins of Lower Kaleth, scan their cognitive units and, once the scanner's memory was full, return the data to him for further analysis.
The Padawans traveled to the ruins of Lower Kaleth and, while completing their primary missions, fended off the seeker
Tythonian War Droid
Old Republic Assassin Droid classes
and watcher
Tythonian Vindicator
Old Republic Assassin Droid classes
droids, scanning their remains with a scanner. Once the scanner indicated that its memory was full, they returned to Master Till'in.
Master Till'in collated the gathered data with his own readings and analyzed them together. The analysis confirmed that the droids were indeed built for war, they were soldiers in Tython's great Force Wars
Force Wars (25793-25783BBY)
Pre-Republic Era (before 25000BBY)
- a time before there were Jedi, Sith or even a Republic - the first conflict between Force users, a battle between light and darkness that lasted for a hundred years. According to the droid logs, Kaleth was a stronghold of the dark side's forces and they made their last stand there. As they were defeated, the dark siders activated the droids as a doomsday weapon, hoping to ensure the light side's destruction as well. Till'in thanked the Padawans, planning consult the Jedi Council
Jedi Council
Jedi Order
at once about the droids.
See also
Related organizations
Jedi OrderStructureCharactersJedi Padawan Hero of TythonJedi Padawan Barsen'thorJedi Master Till'inSentient speciesKel DorJedi Master Till'inRanksJedi PadawanHero of TythonBarsen'thorJedi MasterTill'inWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsTraining SaberHero of TythonBarsen'thorL3 Jedi LightsaberTill'in
Tython Jedi DuoStructureCharactersHero of TythonBarsen'thorWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsTraining SaberHero of TythonBarsen'thor
Related units, characters and other technologies
Barsen'thorMembershipTython Jedi DuoJedi OrderJedi Padawan Barsen'thorWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsTraining SaberRelationsYuon Par (Master)
Hero of TythonMembershipTython Jedi DuoJedi OrderJedi Padawan Hero of TythonWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsTraining SaberRelationsOrgus Din (Master)
Till'inMembershipJedi OrderJedi Master Till'inWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL3 Jedi Lightsaber
Tythonian War DroidWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL3 Electroblade
Tythonian VindicatorWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL1 BlasterL3 Electroblade
Kel DorWere among members ofJedi OrderJedi Master Till'in
Jedi PadawanMembershipJedi OrderHero of TythonBarsen'thor
Jedi MasterMembershipJedi OrderTill'in
Complete list

Full unit name: The Last Defenders Last updated: 11.06.2024 0:30:42